Binx (Female)
Name -Binx
Age -6
Gender - female
Color - black
Temperament - very sweet, loving, likes attention.
Food & Treats; fiskers wet food, loves chicken as treat.
Cat, kid, dog friendly? Kid friendly, lived with another cat a few years ago with no issues but not recently. Is afraid of dogs but not mean to them. Just stays away.
Vaccinations? Yes
Altered? Spayed
Indoor, outdoor or both? Indoor.
Name -Binx
Age -6
Gender - female
Color - black
Temperament - very sweet, loving, likes attention.
Food & Treats; fiskers wet food, loves chicken as treat.
Cat, kid, dog friendly? Kid friendly, lived with another cat a few years ago with no issues but not recently. Is afraid of dogs but not mean to them. Just stays away.
Vaccinations? Yes
Altered? Spayed
Indoor, outdoor or both? Indoor.
Name -Binx
Age -6
Gender - female
Color - black
Temperament - very sweet, loving, likes attention.
Food & Treats; fiskers wet food, loves chicken as treat.
Cat, kid, dog friendly? Kid friendly, lived with another cat a few years ago with no issues but not recently. Is afraid of dogs but not mean to them. Just stays away.
Vaccinations? Yes
Altered? Spayed
Indoor, outdoor or both? Indoor.